
Running eth without any argument will synchronise your node to the public blockchain. It is also possible to create or synchronise to another blockchain (see custom blockchain using eth).

Interacting with your node can be done using either geth or the ethereum console:

Using geth

> geth attach //attach geth to a running eth node.

Using the ethereum console

The ethereum console is a node.js application which connect to a running eth/geth node and provide access to the web3 object.

It can be installed using npm:


> npm install -g ethereum-console
> ethconsole


ethconsole [javascript file] [ipc socket]
Connects to an ethereum node via ipc in order to control it remotely
through global variable web3 (web3.admin is also present).
If no arguments are given, connects to the default ipc socket
and drops into interactive mode.
<ipc socket path> connect to the given ipc socket (use ipc://<path> if it does not end with .ipc)
<javascript file> execute the given javascript file that has to end in .js non-interactively.
The script has to call process.exit() in order to terminate the console.